Our Priorities

ID Cards - We should resume issuing ID cards to interested citizens, charging a nominal amount to cover the cost of postage and production.
TalossaWare - We should open and restock TalossaWare, and take steps to promote Talossa-themed goods on social media and Wittenberg.
Use Our Assets - We should begin promoting the sale of stamps to Talossa and to the wider philatelist community, and set aside the proceeds in a separate fund for a second issue someday. There's thousands of stamps that could be raising money and spreading the word about the country.
Donations - We should publicly solicit patriotic donations once per year for the span of a week (or on a similar non-annoying schedule), now that that approach is an official part of our budget. Laws should not be passed and ignored... if it's too hard, then don't promise to do it!
Lower Fees - All of these methods of financing the country should enable us to lower the cost of party registration fees, which will make it easier for more Talossans to organize themselves and express their democratic will.
Accountability - A public Civil Service Committee, with parties held accountable when their members delay the process with absences.
Our Team

Ma la Mha, Count of Thord and Baron Hooligan [Florencia]
Sir Cresti Siervicül, UrN [Maricopa]
Dame Erschéveþ (Litz) Cjantscheir LL.B, ChRTB, UrN [Cézembre]
Sir Mick Preston, UrN [Maritiimi-Maxhestic]
Sir Trotxâ Betiñéir, UrN [Vuode]
Sir Alexandreu Davinescu, UrN [Maritiimi-Maxhestic]
Danihel Txechescu [Maricopa]
Éovart Xhorxh [Maricopa]
Ian da Bitour [Cézembre]
Senator Brad Holmes [Atatürk]
Pol d'Aurìbuerg [Florencia]
Audrada d'Auribuerg [Florencia]
Cesli da Chisleu [Maritiimi-Maxhestic]
Tráveç Dun [Maricopa]
Senator Éovart Grischun [Vuode]
Our Successes

TalossaWiki - This useful modern public archive of our history, culture, and laws was conceived and constructed by the RUMP. It's become an indispensable asset in only a few years.
El Lexhatx - The former system of scattered and half-remembered laws was impenetrable to everyone but experts. Some statutes contradicted each other and some were lost to history. It was difficult and unfair. It has been replaced by a single legal code, thanks to the RUMP.
Stamps - Stamp legislation was passed and the stamps were Kickstarted and issued successfully under RUMP administrations.
Reunision that preserved the Organic Law and monarchy - For years, the Republic of Talossa said that the only way they'd accept any sort of reunion would be if the Organic Law and the monarchy were offered up as chips for the bargaining table. Reunision happened thanks to the joint efforts of people from many parties, but the RUMP avoided the easy quick solution, and held the line until we were all ready.
Census - The 2009/XXIX census remains the only broad snapshot of Talossans as a people, offering current and future Talossans a view of what kind of person is a citizen at this point in time. It was a difficult affair to make happen while also safeguarding everyone's privacy, but a RUMP government did it.
Shiny Objects - The official Seal of the Chancery and the official Chain of the Seneschal exist thanks to the ideas and budgeting of the RUMP, to be treasured and passed on through office-holders.
Our Legislation

Terpelaziuns - One of the most important ways for opposition and small parties to challenge the ruling hegemony, in the grand tradition of parliaments everywhere.
MIBII financial accountability acts - Keeping the country accountable for where our money is kept and how it is spent.
Secret ballot option bill - The introduction of the secret ballot for voters.
Royal Talossan Bar acts - Created the modern legal system.
Civil Service bill - A compromise that allowed the expansion of a future bureaucracy, without mandating a host of new empty offices that would still be sitting idle today.
Wittenberg transition bill - Separating the public and private aspects of Wittenberg, without abandoning its historic role.
Numismatic Naming acts - Laying the groundwork and vision for coins and establishing our monetary system.
Election Guidance bill - A compromise that will ensure smoother and better elections.
Corporations - Revised and effective laws for incorporation, to allow enforceable contracts and business charters.
The defeat of the Republican Sentiment bill - Voters have time and time again overwhelmingly endorsed the monarchy.
The defeat of Almost Real Amendment - Would have sacrificed small parties and new ideas for little benefit.
The defeat of Electoral Reform Amendment - Avoided, through a hard fight, an entrenchment of old parties and reduction of representation.
Cabinet Refinishing acts - Laid the structure for the modern government. Home Improvement acts - Laid the structure for the modern Royal Household.
Repeal of the House Law of Robert I - Clipping away the old trimmings of autocracy.


Lexhitimaziuns - Noi fossent reaßumarh l'emestaziun dals lexhitimaziuns àls citaxhiens intzereçeschti, es scharxharh 'n amint nominal per cörarh la costa del postmarqeu es dal produziun.
TalossaUeir - Noi fossent apnarh es reproviziunarh el TalossaUeir, es façarh 'n esperforç à promotarh dal marc'handiçù Talosseasca sür els mediüns sociais es sür Wittenberg.
Uçetz Noschtri Açeteux - Noi fossent començarh la promoziun dal veindaziun dels timbreux à Talossa es àl comunità pü grült dal filatelica, es apartarh els profätsilor in 'n fond separat pr'iensa emestaziun secund eventual. J'ont þúsunds dels timbreux qi povadrent gritantarh es zisternarh dal sentzintità del päts.
Zonaziuns - Noi fossent püblicmint racoltarh dals zonaziuns pätriotici viens temp per anneu, pr'iensa seifetziua (eda 'n þoraríu unvexatíu com'acest), parç qe nun aceasta meþoda c'e'n pärts uficial da noastra presupuest. Els legeux non fossent estarh paßats es ignhorats... ¡Schi c'e tro unfáþil, non promisetz à façarh-en!
Fias Bätsiçadas - Toct d'acestilor meþodas àð erxhençarh el päts fossent endünamarh-noi à bätsiçarh la costa dals fias per la rexhistraziun dels partis, qe cauçarh-en àð estarh pü fáþil per Erteirs qi volent organiçarh-se es exprimarh lor pedit democrätic.
Respunçivalità - 'N Funziun püblic, cün partis qi sint faceschti respuçivais quand qe lors membreux zemorent la proceßa avetz ausinçuns.

Ma la Mha, Conta Þord es Baron Tepistà
S:reu Cresti Siervicül, UrN
S:reu Iustì Carlüs Canun, UrGP
Dama Erschéveþ (Litz) Cjantscheir LL.B, ChRTB, UrN
S:reu Mick Preston, UrN
S:reu Trotxâ Betiñéir, UrN
S:reu Alexandreu Davinescu, UrN
Danihel Txechescu
Éovart Xhorxh
Ian da Bitour
Senator Brad Holmes
Pol d'Aurìbuerg
Audrada d'Auribuerg
Cesli da Chilseu
Tráveç Dun
Senator Éovart Grischun

TalossaWiki - Acest müstair utzil, moderneu, es püblic da noastra þistoria, cúltura, es legeux c'esteva cunceptat es constructat par el RUMP. Ça tent zevenescu 'n açeteu neceßar osprei solamint pocs anneux.
El Lexhatx - El süstem formar dels legeux spapersats es zemisovenençats c'esteva unpenetraval à toct salva els experts. Viensas statuteux contradictevent l'iens à l'ödreu es viensas estevent pierdats àl þistoria. C'esteva unfáþil es unxhust. Ça tent estescu remplaçat par 'n codeu lexhital singul, gräts àl RUMP.
Timbreux - La lexhislaziun dels timbreux c'esteva paßada es els timbreux estevent fondats par Kickstarter es riuschladamint emestats sub aðmistraziuns del RUMP.
Reviensadaziun qi preserveva el Legeu Orgänic es la Monarc'hà - Per muiteux anneux, el citaxhiens dal Republica zirevent q'os solamint açeitadrent 'n sagrüt schi el Legeu Orgänic es la monarc'hà estevent profreschti come chececaes per la maisa da bargan. La Reviensadaziun paßeva, gräts àls esforçen xhointeux dels pópuis da muiteux partis, mas el RUMP esviteva la soluziun rapíu es fáþil, es substeva txusca noi toct estevent prepareschti.
Censüs - El censüs da 2009/xxix resta l'instantanat vasteu dels Erteiers com'iens pópul, profrind àls Erteiers corentici es del fütür 'n vischta dal sorta da perziun qi'st 'n citaxhien à'cest temp. C'estev'iens afar unfáþil à façarh quand asigürind el viac'htasigür dal privätsità, mas 'n governamaintsch del RUMP en façeva.
Obxhects Splendorinds - el Saxhel Uficial dal Cantzelería es el Ceneu Uficial del Seneschal existent gräts àls ideas es àl presupuest del RUMP, per estarh cüritats es paßats àls tischeirs fütüreschti dels óifischen.

Terpelaziuns - Viens dels vejs el pü impirtints in qet l'opoçiziun es els partis titeux povent desfisarh el ducat prediçind, in la tradiziun grült da parlamints da toct i pläts.
Praxeis MIBII da Respunçivalità Financial - Asigüra q'el päts c'e respunçival per dove noastra erxhent isch guardat es come c'e uiþevat.
Proxhet dal opziun del scrütì secret - L'introduziun del scrütì secret per els voteirs.
Praxeis Avocatür Rexhital Talossan - Creava el süstem lexhital moderneu.
Proxhet dal Funziun - 'N compromiçù qe permiteva l'expança d'iensa büreucrätica del fütür, sanc inperarh muiteux noveux óifischen devoids qi restadrent oiçifs oxhi.
Proxhet dal transiziun da Wittenberg - Separadra els äspectsilor püblici es privätsilor da Wittenberg, sanc avandunarh sieu rosla þistoric.
Praxeis da Nóminas Numismatici - Creava el fundamaintsch es la viziun per müntsen es seþeva noastra süstem d'erxhent.
Proxhet da Föronça d'Eleziuns - 'N compromiçù qi sigürarha dals eleziuns miglhors es pü lißas.
Corporaziuns - Els legeux reviziunificats es efectíus per corporaziun, per permitarh dels contraiteux es cartas commerciais enforçavais.
La defastra del proxhet da Sentiment Republican - Els voteirs 'n ödreu es 'n ödreu fäts escraçindmint tignhovent endorçat la monarc'hà.
La defastra del Amendamaintsch «Presca Vräts» - Veladra tirh victimat els partis titeux es las ideas nouas pr'iens benefiteu trei titeu.
La defastra del Amendamain
tsch dal Reformaziun Electoral - Esviteva, par 'n cumbat unfáþil, 'n cunvalaziun es 'n reduçaziun dal represantaziun. Praxeis à Reformarh el Cußeglh - Seþeva el strütür per el governamaintsch moderneu.
Praxeis per Miglhoriçaziun Domeasca - Seþeva el strütür per la Famulaziun Rexhital moderna.
Renonçaziun del Legeu del Ca da Róibeard I - Zespedeva l'autocrätica vea.